Monday, June 27, 2011

Cheers for Friday

My First Faux Pas

Last week was nuts. Not nearly as intense as all of the horror stories propounded by the alums, but I will admit that Friday takes on an entirely new level of meaning as a teacher. All in all, it was a great week. I have fallen in love with my students, and I am so thankful to have such a bunch of sweet, well-mannered 14 year olds. They are generally eager to participate in all of my lessons and are quite amusing in their little jokes and quirks. I have begun to find my "groove" as a teacher. I feel confident and energized in front of the students, and they have all been making measurable progress towards their goals.

That said, I was so grateful to get off campus and out of town for an adventure-filled day in and around Oxford, MS. A few friends and I made the two-hour drive through flat fields (cringing at the low-flying airplanes blanketing the crops in pesticides) so that we could see the literary hub that is Oxford. William Faulkner and Eudora Welty are from there and many famous writers and musicians live/travel there on a regular basis (John Grisham, Eric Clapton, etc.). It was such fun! The town is very quaint and very bourgeois. Apparently it was the number one city for wealthy retirees in the nineties, and that wealth is alive and well. But we soaked it in for the day, perusing the used bookstores and boutiques and savoring gorgonzola cheese, pecans and catfish. It was such a treat to encounter such familiarity and leisure. While sipping my coffee on the porch at Square Books, I ended up having a long conversation with a friendly older man about mathematics education, race relations, and the blues.  It was his birthday and he told me how he had volunteered at a homeless shelter that morning, since he would rather give himself away then receive gifts on his birthday. When I told my friend who went to Ole Miss (in Oxford) about the encounter, she was like, "Oh, was it Black Angel?" She went on to tell me that he is a sweet old man who is always hanging out at Square Books and getting into uplifting conversations with people.

The Lovely Town of Oxford

Square Books

On the drive home, we impulsively decided to follow the sign for a state park, and boy am I glad we did. We wound up and down (elevation!) and around ivy-laden earth. Seriously, everything was covered in an ivy-like plant to the point where the landscape looked like a richly textured, undulating blanket of lushness! It looked like a fairy land! Anyway, we finally arrived at a lake (albeit man-made) and again, impulsively, decided to jump in the lake and go for a swim. It felt so good to move about in the water. It was very strange, though, that the entire first FOOT of water on the top was hot. It didn't feel quite like the chilly Minnesota waters, but it was still somewhat familiar. We ended the day by climbing a hill to watch the sunset, and on our drive home, we stopped in a field to take in the constellations.

Lake Sardis

Diversity in the Delta

A Spectacular Sunset

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Day of School

Inspired. Exhausted. Proud. Hopeful.
What a first day it was! After a full week of session after session on classroom visions, lesson planning, and behavior management strategies, the real, pubescent ninth graders showed up at our classroom door. And they are all boys, all seven of them. We were forced to be flexible right away, as we were expecting nineteen students and only two arrived. Eventually a few more trickled in, but they happened to come in in the middle of the explanation of the rules, unfortunately missing all of the warm, cozy investment exercises that preceded the stern, ever bland business of classroom policies.

But we rolled with the changes, and the boys were very well behaved. They've shown us how quiet and engaged they can be, so we can go forward with very high behavioral expectations. It was heartbreaking, though, to see the majority of them stand up speechless when asked to offer their "dream job." Some shrugged their shoulders and looked at the ground, eventually settling on something like "football player." Others, however, proclaimed that they would join the national guard, program computers, or be an auto mechanic. When we asked them what success looked like, one said that he wanted a better house than the one he grew up in. Someone else said they wanted to move somewhere new. Some said they wanted to go to college, and when prodded and built up, the others joined in on the college train.

I am glad that the testing is done. Those kids had to sit through a total of three hours of diagnostic exams today. Tomorrow I get to teach my first math lesson! It is on order of operations, and I am excited about my clear key points and engaging activity. Let's hope it goes well!

On a side note, I met with the principal of my placement school for the fall. Because this will be the principal's first year and 80% of the staff will be new, he is trying to keep scheduling simple, which means that I will only be teaching Algebra II (in contrast to the expected combo of Math, French, and ACT prep). There are up and downsides to the revelation, but at least lesson planning will be much simpler.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

B.B. King up Close and Personal

Last night, I attended B.B. King's homecoming concert in Indianola (the town where I'll be teaching!). A bit of a bizarre night, to say the least.

We had just come from a catfish fry in Greenville (an hour south of Cleveland) that was held in a school gymnasium. The event was titled "Catfish at the Carousel," as the space was mostly filled with a full sized, seemingly portable carousel. After a good chuckle and a test ride, we all crammed into the bleachers to eat our food and watched the empty carousel go 'round and 'round. The catfish and hush puppies were good, but unfortunately didn't compare to the ones I had at the Catfish Warehouse on the way down. The event was a good time, even if the set-up was a bit curious.

With full bellies we drove a half-hour east to Indianola. On the way into town we passed cornfields, which are increasingly replacing cotton, and a formidably sprawling Dollar General warehouse. What I saw of the town itself was lovely, though. Small shops, trees, and big-box retailers shared the spaces alongside the narrow road. We parked next to a lush swamp and walked around the corner to the concert site. It felt so good to see all of the people, black and white, lower and upper class, hanging out in their lawn chairs and on their picnic blankets enjoying the heat and blues tunes. My friends and I grabbed some beer and joined in on the festival. Before B.B. came on stage, his band came out and blared their brassy instruments, sending the people to their feet in dance. I was so glad to get my groove on! After a drawn out lead in to his arrival, B.B. King arrived! This man is almost ninety years old, and he still continues to return to his hometown every summer to play for his friends and neighbors. He sat down and played a couple of those sweet, deep, lilting melodies that made him famous. Unfortunately, that was all I heard of the music, for he proceeded to set up a "dance contest" for the kids. Nice in theory, but a bit uncomfortable in practice. He had very specific requests for the kids, such as "I want 10 eight-year olds, six girls, four boys, four black and six white." Once kids started coming on stage, he made a scene of verifying their exact ages and told some to go off stage. This took an unnecessarily long amount of time. He spent nearly twenty minutes mumbling into the microphone and barking at the people in the front rows to let him do his thing. Once the kids finally started dancing, he would snap, "dance, dance, boy," "why aren't you dancing," and other abrasive comments. It was all very confusing until a few second-year TFA corps members approached us and explained to us that this event truly is a "homecoming" more than a "concert." He is there to engage with his community rather than to put on a fancy show. These words settled a few concerns, but we were still befuddled by his manner and the mosquitoes were coming out, so we left.

We found our way out of town only to realize that our route took us on an unlit two-lane road that curved through farm fields. Fortunately, there were reflectors all along the middle of the road, but at 10 pm, I felt a bit vulnerable driving through the darkness. Shortly after we began that route, we approached a blockade of cop cars. I slowed and rolled down my window. Thankfully, the policeman cordially checked my license and sent us on through. After that hurdle, I slowly drove us home, heat lightning all around us. When we got to Cleveland, it started pouring rain, and I was so thankful that we were only a few minutes away from home at that point. A wonderfully strange evening, indeed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hot, Flat, and Friendly

I arrived in Cleveland, MS a few days ago. The two-day drive included sausages at the delightfully dive-y Flying Wienie in Cedar Rapids, IA, hours of gazing at the pastoral landcapes of the Middle West, a billboard advertising a political candidate named "Wealthia White," construction in Memphis, a triumphant passing of the blue "Welcome to Mississippi" sign, and a bit of gluttony as I got my first taste of Southern cuisine (including blackened catfish, fried okra, catfish gumbo, and hush puppies!).

I must say that thus far the Mississippi heat is not terribly unlike that of an exceptionally hot summer day in Minnesota, although I anticipate its persistence may be what makes it so notable. For now, I am enjoying the air-conditioned buildings of Delta State University and the shady lawns of the campus quadrangle that I pass through in between sessions. I have already learned so much and gotten to know so many people that I feel like I've been here for weeks.

In short, all is well, and already I can't wait to start teaching my summer students and getting to know the local communities.